Civil Engineers must have a sound mathematical and physical basis and possess the fundamentals of those natural sciences (e.g. chemistry and geology) that are strictly connected with Civil Engineering.
Additionally, they must master the mathematical models typical of Civil Engineering, that are applied in solid and fluid mechanics (statics and dynamics), and in land surveying and monitoring.
These models can be refined and specialized to analyze and design steel and reinforced concrete buildings, earthworks, hydraulic engineering works, and transportation infrastructures.
A number of complementary, but not less important topics (including computer science, material technology, economy, heat transfer, construction facilities) complete the education of undergraduate students.
The 1st year of the BSc is devoted to basic subjects. The fundamentals of the core subjects characterizing Civil Engineers are mostly taught during the 2nd year of the BSc. Eventually, applied subjects are gathered in the 3rd year.
Additional details and informative documents are available on the POLINTERNATIONAL website.
Duration of the BSc Degree Programme
3 years
Educational rules
The educational rules of the Bachelor Degree Programme in Civil Engineering are available in the website of the School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering.
Further details about the degree programmes and the faculty members.
Final examination (Esame di laurea)
The coordinator of the final examination sessions is prof. Liberato Ferrara.
The rules for the final examinations, in Italian, and the dates of the Degree sessions are listed in the website of the School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering.
The dates of the Degree sessions are listed in the calendar of the School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering.
Professional opportunities
Graduates are awarded the qualification of “Dottore in Ingegneria Civile”. They can operate as self-employed professionals, or as employees in public administration or private companies dealing with problems of civil, building and environmental engineering involving soils, structures, transports, hydraulics, civil protection and surveying. They can act as designers or managers.
To operate as self-employees in Italy, graduates must pass a professional examination and be on the Professional Register of Civil Engineers. Passing the first level professional examination certifies candidates as “junior engineers”; accordingly, the size and complexity of the projects they can carry out is limited by law.
Further Studies
Provided that their final grade is above a given threshold, graduates in Civil Engineering can enroll in one of the following two-year Master of Sciences (MSc) Degree Programmes offered at Politecnico: Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation, Management of Built Environment. Upon evaluation of their curriculum, graduates in Civil Engineering can also enroll to other MSc programmes, or specializing masters offered by Politecnico and other Universities.